Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas and everything after

Christmastime... a joy for all. watching our kids come down the stairs with pure joy... pure delight in their eyes... that was the best present ever. Santa was good to us, but how will he pay for it all?

i just have a few question for big Santa (not to be mistaken for Bigthana):

-why make it so difficult for us parents to unpackage a toy that 'lil boys and girls want to play with RIGHT AWAY! some toys are screwed into a piece of cardboard... others are wound so tight with industrial strength twist-ties.

-why does new plastid have that stank to it?

-does Rudolph not like apples now? we didn't get the memo.

-can you tell the elves over at Fisher Price to get on the ball? my son's FP3 isn't working right... the software wont install on my laptop... what elf is gonna help me get that straightened out?

it has been a good day, though... a good couple of days. it is always kind of sad to see the holidays come and go... it means that life now must go on. in a few short days - we'll be reflecting on the past year - as well as looking towards the future that lies ahead.

alas - let us not forget the miracle of the Saviors birth for which this time has been set aside to remember. Baby Jesus, Mary & Jopesh (as Micah calls him), the shepherds, animals in the barn, the wise men... seeking the child messiah... the savior of the world. born a lowly birth - becoming all parts man - and yet still all parts God. what a wonderful day it was 2000 years ago. frankly glorious.


1 comment:

Bryan said...

Wait a minute; you're telling me that there really is no Bigthana? I'm crushed. I guess I wasted a lot of time with my "Dear Bigthana" letters, not to mention all the money we spent on Bigthana decorations.