Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Please, Let's Try Again (again)

the second chance. it's beautiful isn't it?
think when your a kid... "just one more time... just one more time."

for his birthday, my son got a nerf basketball hoop that now hangs on the back of front door in the foyer. He couldn't wait to play it... and to play it with someone. it took him a while to get the hang of it, being that the rim and net are a good 7 feet off the ground... pretty high for a boy who's 3 and a half feet tall. he kept trying and trying... wanting to play more and more. it was time for dinner and he kept saying "just one more time... just one more time."

beautiful. the second chance. the do-over. if at first you don't succeed, try, try again.

i was thinking about the image from the Sistine Chapel created by Michelangelo, commonly known as The Creation of Adam. You can see God's hand stretched far - with his finger, reaching out to connect with Adam... and yet Adam lazily reaches back.
"I'm too tired... I've got things to do. I don't have time..."
And God continues to reach... again and again. "Just one more time... Just one more time."

He longs for us to unite with him.

when we're united - we're tied to Him.

switch around the letters though... move the 'i' in united and you get... untied.
united. untied.
when i move... the bond is broken... but God's hand is outstretched as if to say "Please, let's try again."

My son's joy wasn't complete until he made that final basket before dinner. 'one more time' brought great gladness to his face, heart, mind and soul. Satisfaction.

The Father says to us "one more time" because he knows what will bring about joy and satisfaction. it's a relationship with the One who loves us so much, searches for us lost sheep and celebrates our homecoming.


Jen said...

Cool thoughts Tim :)
He actually isn't too bad at that bb game either. I need a lot more "One more times" than he ;)

troy. said...

Good stuff!

Unknown said...

i cant take the credit for the united / untied thing... heard it in a sermon.
thanks though~