image 11.
14Do everything without complaining or arguing, 15so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe 16as you hold out the word of life—in order that I may boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor for nothing.
~Philippians 2:14-16
16In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.
~Matthew 5:16
beauty shines.
the You-Are-Beautiful movement began as a movement as far back as 2004 (possibly before). the idea was to inspire positivity through the three simple words 'you are beautiful' in a sort of guerrilla art campaign in inner cities where life is often depressed by landscapes of emptiness.
people have plastered city-scapes with stickers and art creations to help spread this message of love and beauty.
the you are beautiful manifesto reads:
You Are Beautiful is a simple, powerful statement which is incorporated into the over absorption of mass media and lifestyles that are wrapped in consumer culture.
The intention behind this project is to reach beyond ourselves as individuals to make a difference by creating moments of positive self realization. We're just attempting to make the world a little better.Advertising beauty. Creating moments of positive self realization. Those that participate in spreading this message are 'activists of beauty'.
Intention is the most important aspect of the You Are Beautiful project in its idea of purity. Nothing is sacred. Everything that has a perceived value becomes commodified. We work extremely hard that this message is received as a simple act of kindness, and nothing more.
Advertising elicits a response to buy, where this project elicits a response to do something. The attempt with You Are Beautiful is to create activism instead of consumerism.
You Are Beautiful uses the medium of advertising and commercialization to spread a positive message.
Projects like these make a difference in the world by catching us in the midst of daily life and creating moments of positive self realization.
isn't that what a follower of Christ should be? a true reflection of Christ = true beauty. are you reflecting Christ? we reflect this beauty because we are washed whiter than snow. made pure. (Psalm 51:7). made pure. we reflect God's love.
we are beautiful in His eyes. our imperfections and all. purified and cleansed... our goal should be to shine like stars - reflecting our beauty and love to others - vessels of God and His grace.
what is it that makes us shine? are you reflecting the beauty of God?
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