Sunday, May 19, 2013

Come to Us or Go to Them?

LOST BLOGGER ENTRIES: a series of ministry and worship related blog posts ideas] 

[from a CMS church planting website in England - but i think it can apply to youth ministry.  what do you think?

This is a movie produced by church from scratch – part of the growing swell of material encouraging churches to shift to an outward focused or missional imagination.

[Church from Scratch describes itself as a "dirt under the finger nails, living faith sort of church with a network of home-based groups."]
It’s certainly a good discussion starter…

They come or we go? from Incarnate Network on Vimeo.

how does this apply to ministry?
in what ways are we too inward focused and not outward focused?
how do we balance our inward/outward focus?
what should our missional approach to youth ministry be?

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