nothing earth shattering in this book - but it was a refreshing reminder of what it takes to get things done... what it takes to make dreams and passions come to fruition. Do The Work is the kind of book that can be read quickly - which is perfect - because it should be read before anyone is about to begin their next big project. Similar to books by Seth Godin, in Do the Work, Steve Pressfield writes a catchy, easy to digest, in your face manifesto for overcoming resistance in order to create something beautiful.
LOST BLOGGER ENTRIES: a series of ministry and worship related blog posts ideas]
this past November, i led a retreat with the youth group and decided to become intentional about taking a simplified approach. i designed a series of mini sessions with the flexibility of adding to or deleting from any given session at any given time. the retreat was dubbed the Q Retreat. the Q stood for Quest - whereas looking at life's big questions involves a 'quest' of sorts, a journey leading deep into one's very soul.
perhaps the deepest question was this "What does your soul look like?"
discussions ranged from 'How to deal with the unbalance of life' to 'Things we search for' and to 'Things that make life complicated'. At one point the students made a list of 'Life's Biggest Questions.' This, no doubt, was most meaningful and impacting.
After a lengthy discussion on the tough questions of life (why do bad things happen to good people?, how do i know God's calling on my life?, what is my purpose? etc.) i showed this video: (a video made In Association with: the Melbourne Skydive Centre)
in other words: it's all about perspective. for the person experiencing human flight the view is simple yet magnificent... the challenge overwhelming yet exhilarating. basically, God is in control. He enables mankind to do great and mighty things. and some things can make our problems look small... from His perspective, there is a plan and that path leads to full life. life's problems may seem big - but God is bigger than our questions, our problems & our doubts.
Later, after a discussion on life's big dreams and a challenge for students to 'dream big' i showed this video:
I concluded by saying "the next time you let life overwhelm you remember... someone is surfing off the coast of California."
it's all about perspective. form God's POV he's got the everything under control. he's got a plan for one and all and his creation speaks of his power and might and order.
life is complicated - but when we utilize our senses to see, hear, taste, touch and smell all that God has for us, our perspective suddenly simplifies our life - even if for a moment... it's a moment given to us by God himself.
it's all about perspective. sometimes a change of scenery is all we need...
(i was listening to iTunes on shuffle this morning and was reminded of this wonderful video)
the video to the Sigur Rós song Glósóli is a captivating piece of art. Sigur Rós is an Icelandic band that has a unique style, a unique sound with unique lyrics. some of their songs are sung by lead singer Jonsi in a sort of made up language often referred to as 'hopelandic.'
the song Glósóli means 'glowing soul'. (from Wikipedia: The name is a combination of gló- from the verb að glóa meaning "to glow, shine, glitter" and sóli meaning "sole." The second element of the name, sóli, shares its grammatical stem with the word "sól", meaning "sun". In combination "glósóli" can be understood as a childish way of saying "glowing sun" or "let the sun glow".)
the song is said to be about a boy who wakes up only to find the sun is gone... the sun has gone dark... so he searches for the sun. the video creatively shows children on some sort of mission - upon reaching their destination - they take a 'leap of faith' and jump.
i think there are many metaphors that could parallel to youth ministry here. 1. a search for hope. 2. taking a leap of faith. 3. trusting that the sun (or Son) is out there to be discovered and enjoyed. 4. the innocence of life 5. a challenge to have a child-liek faith and a glowing soul. 6. faith in something greater than ones self. 7. parallels to Jesus gathering 'fishers of men' to follow him.
how might you use this video or song?
Addendum 1: I remember stumblign across a blog post in 2007 from Tall Skinny Kiwi (an emergent blogger). Click HERE to see how they used the video with a series called THE DANGEROUS WORDS OF JESUS. Addendum 2: i found THIS youth group that tied in the video to a youth worship service - in which they took a deeper look at each of the characters in the video.
LOST BLOGGER ENTRIES: a series of ministry and worship related blog posts ideas]
[from a CMS church planting website in England - but i think it can apply to youth ministry. what do you think?
This is a movie produced by church from scratch – part of the growing swell of material encouraging churches to shift to an outward focused or missional imagination.
[Church from Scratch describes itself as a "dirt under the finger nails, living faith sort of church with a network of home-based groups."]
Fundraising is always a touchy subject in student ministries. I borrowed an idea from Adam Cleaveland and it truly leveraged our budget for several items this past summer. The idea is fairly simple. I printed out two sets of envelopes numbered 1 to 100. Inside the envelope was a response card along with a card that listed out the various items we were trying to fund: summer camp scholarships, vacation bible school, mission trip to AL, etc.
I used a sheet of steel roofing in a wooden frame and magnets to hold/attach the envelopes in sequence. I cast vision from the front during our announcement time that we would have the Wall up in the cafe for two weeks only. Members were encouraged to take an envelope for the amount they wanted to donate. (if you took #45, a check for $45 should be included) The beauty of compounding takes 200 envelopes, if all are returned and creates $10,100. In our effort we raised $7,000.
I was clear in the promoting that this was a "special" opportunity and should only be contributed to if it was above and beyond their normal support (we've learned that when special offerings are taken, many times members just shift their giving, which isn't helpful because it creates shortages in the general and building funds).
LOST BLOGGER ENTRIES: a series of ministry and worship related blog posts ideas]
I used this video to open a message on Ecclesiastes. Using visuals along with the Scripture helped the students connect with the poetic nature of the text. It wouldn't be too hard to make your own version of this using other Scriptures. If understanding a text is what is important in your message, and it is difficult to understand or interact by hearing alone, we need to find ways to make text stand out.
LOST BLOGGER ENTRIES: a series of ministry and worship related blog posts ideas] What is your calling in life?
here are three great videos from Rick Mereki - an Austrailian film maker. these short 1 minute films were used for an Australian travel agency. but they are brilliant and creative. i used them as part of a youth worship service on 'Understanding Your Calling' (becoming the person God called you to be). willingness to learn new things will help you connect with God's purpose for your life.
i also tied in the Bethany Hamilton story from I Am Second. you don't have to be perfect in order for God to use you - in order to fulfill your calling, etc.
White Owl (full lyrics) - a powerful animated video by folk musician Josh Garrels
carry visions from above into the places no man dares to follow Every hollow in the dark of night Waiting for the light Take the flame tonight
... Like a messenger of peace, the beauty waits be released Upon the sacred path you keep, leading deeper into the unveiling As your sailing, across the great divide
possible themes:
journey; purpose; carrying the light of Christ into a dark world; learning to trust; learning to rely on God
a great video telling the story of creation and the fall of man.
painting by Scott Erickson. (anyone who has been to NYWC or DCLA will recognize Scott's work)
for more info or to purchase an HD digital download of this film - check out Prolifik Films
LOST BLOGGER ENTRIES: a series of ministry and worship related blog posts ideas]
Television is a drug. from Beth Fulton on Vimeo.
This an amusing video about our addictions to technology - notably television. it's rather funny and catchy... will definately hold a teenagers attention. This could be used as part of a lesson or talk on priorities, unplugging, time management, slowing down to recognize God's presence, etc.
We are none of us alone.
Even as we exhale, it is inhaled by others.
The light that shines upon me, shines upon my neighbor as well.
In this way, everything is connected to everything else.
In this way, I am connected to my friend even as I am connected to my enemy.
In this way,there is no difference between me, and my friend.
In this way, there is no difference between me, and my enemy.
We are none of us alone.
[i created this for a youth worship service with the theme of 'baggage'. i used the video to help students understand that they are not alone. that when they walk with Christ together - they are connected... the joy and the pain is shared by all - and we can give our burdens over to Jesus. we don't have to go it alone. side note: this idea was originally inspired by a Dec. 2007 episode of the television show LIFE - which enjoyed a brief 2 year run on NBC]