What is it that makes a man feel inept if he doesn't know how to fix his car? i don't know enough about motor vehicles... well, i guess i know enough seeing that i know how to drive one. frankly, isn't that all i really need to know? on the news CNN is talking about Kim Jong Il. I bet he doesn't know how to fix his car. Why is it that every auto repair shop or brake shop or tire place has an old tv sitting on a bunch of boxes playing some news channel? what, is it assumed that people getting their brakes fixed don't like Dr. Phil?
I'll bet Dr. Phil has somebody else take his car to the brake shop. he probably stays back at the studio and sends hate mail to Oprah. not because he hates Oprah but because he loves hate mail.
There is a cobbler shop across the street. i know what your thinking... why is there a shop devoted to fruit desserts with thick crusts. not that kind of cobbler. not a clumsy worker shop either... who gets their shoes repaired these days? how much money does a cobbler make in a year? how does a cobbler make enough to pay his rent? many questions... i know.... not meant to be answered i'm afraid.
if i owned a carpet store i'd call it Carpet Diem.
as i look north down Cleveland avenue i see something you don't see everyday... A sweeper repair shop. who gets their sweeper repaired these days? what are the odds that a sweeper store is down the street from a shoe repair shop? does the sweeper repair shop sell brooms? what if the cobbler was a sloppy worker who repaired shoes and sold fruit desserts with a thick crust? why am i back to talking about the cobbler?
about a month ago i bought my first pair of non-Adidas athletic shoes in 15 years. my wife and i both have the Nike Air + shoes that can sync up with your iPod. in the past month i have ran almost 40 miles. i never ran much before this. my love for stats outweighs my love for Adidas - so i can justify such a purchase. The Nike + system tracks all of your running stats on line. Jen and i are training to run in a 5K on Sat. Oct. 28th. it's a little ironic that while sitting in the Midas brake shop that i thought about my shoes, seeing that the front axel brake shoes were being replaced. My car tracks how far it runs, too... just like the Nike Air +. who knew man and machine would come so close to being the same. i think i need to go watch the Matrix Revolutions.
$205 lighter and 2 and a half hours later... i'm out.
enjoying Boards of Canada at this moment.
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