Thursday, February 24, 2005

transcriptions from the inner workings of the right brain

i pour my life into my job. i have no apologies for that. i don't see how i could do it any other way. It's all of my heart or nothing at all. my wife and i are expecting our second child this june. funny, in some ways, as a youth worker, i already have dozens of kids. i probably see some of my youth more than their parents see them. there isn't any one thing that i wouldn't do for my 'kids'. and yet i am constantly bothered by the thoughts of 'i could and should do more.' but alas, there are only a handful of hours in every day.

my family at home has to be my priority and i strive to keep it so. it is pure joy every day to walk thru the door and to be greeted by a loving 2 year old son. being a father is great... much more than i ever expected.

so i am surrounded by people that i love. it takes a lot to take away that joy. working in a church isn't always peaches and cream. the church has its share of ignorant individuals who can't see the forest for the trees. regardless, i persevere... keeping on keeping on, waiting patiently for my next challenge and my next reward.


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