Friday, June 03, 2005

walking in mist.

"Quit telling your God how big your mountain is, and start telling your mountain how big your God is."

this morning, while walking to work in a beautiful mist i stretched my arms out wide and embraced all of the cool, all of the wet, all of the refreshing mist. i love a misty morning. i truly have fond memories of playing soccer in the mist on Saturday mornings when i was 16. some of my best games of golf have been played in the mist. just two weeks ago, i participated in a huge dodge ball tournament (using finger blasters) on a beautiful misty afternoon. I was sore the entire next week, as my hamstring and other muscles were stretched just as much, it seemed, as the rubber band inside the mini-nerf-rocket launchers we used for our games.

there is something beautiful about mist. it is refreshing (just like the drink). Maybe misty mornings are God's way of telling us "be clean. Embrace the cleansing power of forgiveness."

this morning i enjoyed walking in the mist.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I will never look at Misty Mornings the same again...what a powerful thought...i love it.

Thanks so much for sharing it in your gave me chills!

BTW: Love reading your wife's blog as well!!!