Thursday, June 09, 2005

My legs felt like cement blocks

So as I have gotten older, and since I turned 30, my metabolism seams to be slowing down. By looking at me, you'd still think I was a skinny guy, but alas, I have added a nice gut. Right now, I might weigh 166-168. For ten years I weighed the same thing... 150 lbs. I hit 30 and the gut emerged!

so my bro-in-law, Jerry, who is a distance runner, mind you, talked to me over Memorial Day weekend about running. I said I wanted to lose a few pounds and at least get into shape. He gave me a running strategy:

>start off running a few times a week, for 10-12 minutes.

>gradually increase length of running time and number of times you run each week.

>in two to three month's, you will feel a lot better and lose 10 pounds.

So yesterday, after a long evening of installing car seats and assembling stroller, I decided there was no better time to start running. I set out to run for 10 minutes. As soon as I took my first steps off of the back porch, my legs felt like cement blocks. I knew I was in for a rough start. I ran eight minutes and walked for three. Rough start, but at least I started.

I hope I can keep it up.

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