Thursday, March 31, 2011

(lent) 21


name of British singer Adele's sophomore album.

legal age in which alcohol can be legally consumed in America.

name of a variation of basketball in which individuals play against each other in attempt to get 21 points.

number of points needed to win at Badminton.

number on the side of the car driven to victory at the 2011 Daytona 500 by rookie Trever Baine.

name of the 1950's game show in which a corruption cheating scandal occured. The events were made into the 1994 movie Quiz Show.

grams is the weight of the soul, according to research by Duncan MacDougall, generally regarded as meaningless.

Century for which we are now living. (also the name of a popular real estate company: Century 21)

Vintage 21 is the name of a church in Raliegh, NC. At one point, this church redubbed audio over parts of old 'Jesus' movies.

In the Spring of 2003, Vintage21 had a four week series on Jesus Christ, taking a deep look at what He said and did. It was difficult at times to get past our preconceived notions that had been developed by staunch, starched Sunday School classes of old. This is a satirical look at what some people think Jesus is like. Thank goodness He's not.

these videos instantly became internet sensations.
Vintage 21 Jesus #1
Vintage 21 Jesus #2
Vintage 21 Jesus #3
Vintage 21 Jesus #4
Vintage 21 Jesus (remixed: Jesus & Taco Bell)

Thank goodness Jesus is anything but the stereotypes we may have of him.
He is the real thing.
We need not make him a pushover or blond haired and blue eyed or American even.
Jesus was the Word in flesh. and he moved into the neighborhood, lived among us and showed us the Way. all we need is found in Him. but we need not change him to fit our needs... it is us that needs changed... or perhaps we'll become the stereotype...

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