Friday, October 08, 2004

I'm obsessed with reality

I LOVE REALITY TELEVISION. there. i said it. put me on the island. put me in the boardroom. call me obsessed. call me stupid. i have no shame... I've been known to shout at the television from time to time, while watching Survivor, hoping to warn someone before they get stabbed in the back by a tribemate. dare i admit that i've seen ever episode of every Survivor, The Apprentice, The Real World (yes, everyone), Road Rules, and the RR/RW Challenges?

What can I say? I was hooked from Day One, when Survivor took to the airwaves back in the Summer of 2000. Sure, there has definately been an oveload of reality programming, from Who Wants To Marry My Dad, to My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance. The Fox Network has mostly failed when it comes to reality programming, but they keep trying. Two points for the effort, I guess.

I don't know why I'm drawn to reality programming. Maybe it's because my own present reality is nothing spectacular, by TV's standards. Right now, I guess you could say my reality is filled with reality although that reality is not really real, because it's on television and it's a game. Regardless, I love reality programming. Now, I know my TV viewing habits are insane, but I have an excuse. You see, I was a Broadcast Communications major in college, so, I guess I consider watching television continuing education.

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