Saturday, October 23, 2004


After viewing the documentary SUPERSIZE ME I have been inspired to keep a log (each week) of all the times I eat out at a restaurant or fast food joint... I am almost afraid to know how much I eat out... how much money I am wasting... and how unhealthy I am...

SUN: Subway - Steak and cheese foot long. $7.00
TUES: Applebees - Oriental Chicken Rollup, Fries, Water. $23.00 (includes family)
WED: McDonalds - McChicken, Value Fries. $2.00
THURS: McDonalds - McChicken, Value Fries. $7.50 (includes family)
SAT: Little Caesers - Med. Pizza. $3.00
TOTAL: $42.50

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