Thursday, May 26, 2005

The annual MAY blues

So as a self proclaimed TV sloth, it's come to that time of year where I get all depressed and stuff because my shows have all hit their season finales. What will I do with my time now? I guess I could play with my kid (and soon to be kids) and all.

Allow me to recap the highlights of this year's finales...

Carrie Underwood wins American Idol 2005! The thing is, she really cared about winning. You could sense it. So what will become of her? Does she have the most opportunity to "make" it because of her cross-over appeal between country and pop? Who knows. But I do know that I'm a sucker because my wife and I watch the show. The draw you in and for some dumb reason, I sat through two hours of fluff last night, anxiously anticipating a winner.

I taped the two hour finale of Lost, so that we could watch AI. The more I watch Lost, the more I love the show. I think it is absolutely one of the most creative shows on television. I can't wait to get Season One on DVD September 6th. I told my wife last night that I planned on watching the entire first season in some sort of 24 hour marathon before Season two begins in the fall.

[EDIT: piece of crap... i had typed a whole bunch more about LOST, 24 & DEADWOOD but somehow it's now gone when I went to fix the font size!}

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