Tuesday, May 10, 2005

the weekend that was (a.k.a. why am i blogging this?)

So this past Sunday [Mothers Day] we drove up to my spouces parents home to spend a few days. Here are the various instances of pure happenstance that took place between the hours of 11:45 am Sunday through 10:35 pm Monday.

  • My wife's family is infamous for being on what they call "Coffman Time". We arrived shortly before noon hungrily awaiting a nice Mother's Day meal. Lunch came 4 hours later. No bother, though. A ham & cheese sandwhich held me over.
  • My father in law was having trouble with his Cub Cadet riding lawn mower. So he purchased this new FERRIS riding mower. This thing can go! It has the coolest steering controls and was/is fun to ride. So he goes out to mow the grass. He got the mower stuck not once, not twice but three times. The first time, it was stuck in a ditch. The mower engine is in the back, and extends about a foot beyond the rear tires and is relatively close to the ground. We got the truck and pulled it out. Later, when mowing along a stream along the back acreage of woods, the mower got stuck in the mud. We were able to get the old Cub Cadet fired up and the Ferris was pulled out with no problem. A marshy area still saturated with water (so much so that ducks had made a nest there) from the winter dethawing was te final resting place for the brand new mower. This time, the Cub Cadet could not get it out. The neighbors tractor did the job, though. The moral of the story: don't mow anything wet with a Ferris.
  • After a lovely chicken dinner, we all went out to Cold Stone Creamery. On the way we saw what was the most idiotic driver. She would not leave the left lane of Interstate 90. Her speed varied from 45 to 85. At one point she drove off the road, swerved through the grassy median and back onto the highway, coming inches from hitting another vehicle. I have no idea how she regained control of the car. At one point, as we passed her on the right (ever so carefully) we noticed a young baby in a car seat and another toddler without a seat belt on. How irresponsible! Later, she swerved from one lane to another, repeated by the slamming on of brakes, etc. I only wish I had gotten her plate number, as I would have called it in.
  • Most of the weekend was spent in front of the computer, trying to fix a computer filled with viruses and pop ups and spy ware.
  • On Monday, we enjoyed sitting out in the sun, as Micah (our son) chased Jesse (the dog) all around the yard.
  • Later we headed out to Verizon Wireless, Starbucks & the Record Den (my fav. record store). Then we stopped by my wife's uncle's house and killed some bees.
  • For dinner MONDAY night we had burgers and brats cooked on the grill.
This was a really dumb, pointless post. Amusing to myself and none other none the less.

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