Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Thoughts on Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

so here are some of my thougths on the movie...

first off, i must point out that i went to the 12:01 showing late last Wednesday night @ Tinseltown Cinemark 14 with my friends Gary & Fritz. The hype & anticipation made the movie experience worth it. I arrived at the theatre at around 10 PM. It was showing on 6 screens. I contemplated buying something to drink, but saw that it was gonna cost me $3.25 for a bottle of water. I could get a case of 32 bottles of water for that price at the Sams Club next door. Screw that!

So regarding SW EIII:ROTS, i was entertained. I thought it was the best of the prequels. Sure, it had some horrible diologue and mediocre acting, but the visuals were stunning and it tied up a lot of lose ends.

here are some added thoughts I wrote on a message board:
Let's be honest, dialogue has never been Lucas' strong suit. it should come as no surprise that Episode III had shoddy conversations. rewatch the original trilogy. The dialogue blows, BUT the chemistry between characters makes you forget. That chemistry makes the original story stronger. That chemistry is what has been missing throughout episodes I-III.

now, for all of you harsh critics out there who say it sucked: WHAT DID YOU EXPECT? YOU SAW THE FIRST TWO, DIDN'T YOU? There is only so much you can do to a movie that we already know the ending to. The Star Wars movies have never been the kinds of movies to watch with a critical eye - becuae if we did, we say a lot of crappy things about the entire series.

episode I-III is a back story. Everything was revealed already in episode IV-VI. That alone will leave us all disapointed.

unfortunately, Lucas made a lot of mistakes that can not be reversed (casting Anikin, Jar Jar, lack of chemistry, having a 6 year old fly a space ship in Ep. I, Hayden's hair in Ep. II, etc.)


As far as Episode III goes:

1. the reason for Anikin turning to the dark side wasn't believeable enough
2. Hayden and Natalie Portman had ZERO chemistry.
3. How did Padme instantly become 9 months pregnant?
4. Dooku was killed off too early and easily.
5. Grievious was a big metal hack and an all around stupid character.
6. The Jimmy Smits character needed to be in it more... he was one of the most believable roles. He should have had more of a role in an attempted overthrow of Palpatine.
7. Vader should have fought someone in the suite.

regardless of that, I still enjoyed the movie. It brought things full circle. It was another fun experience. Even with its shortcomings, it ranks better than Episode II and far better than Episode I (the biggest mistake of all 6).

We shouldn't have expected more. Fool me once. shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Added thoughts:

Why doesn't Obi Wan Kenobi recognize R2-D2 and C-3PO in Episode IV?

Who's bright idea was it to hide Luke Skywalker at the home where Anakin's mother once lived???? And why did he keep his name, SKYWALKER????

i wondered that too. was Vader dumb enough to possibly believe that the baby inside the womb of Padme died with her? Surely the Emperer would have had Vader search the galaxy for a possible child.

another good question:

supposedly only 19 years separate Ep. III & IV. my oh my... Obi-Wan sure does age a lot!!! in ep. IV he looks at least 70, i'd say.

also, Leia looks older than Luke in IV.

lastly, good ole Anikan/Vader looks frightenly old when his helmet gets removed in VI.

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