Thursday, November 18, 2004

Flu Phobia

People are freaking out because of the supposed Flu Shot shortage. The church (at which I work) was supposed to be the host site for a Flu vaccination clinic. But of course, the supply of serum ran out. The phone has been ringing off the hook for weeks. And now, today, the day the shots were supposed to happen, people are lined up outside to get one. Apparently the giant signs reading FLU SHOT CLINIC CANCELLED BY ORDER OF THE HEALTH DEPARTMENT must be a lie. These paranoid old folks must think it's April 1st because they aren't leaving.

The Health Department has screwed this up royally. They have done very little to spread the word of the cancellations. They are running, I think... Have way to Mexico.

Here's the deal, though... I bet that if the Health Department gave out shots of placebo, these people wouldn't care. It's mind over matter, I feel. Everybody is so paranoid about their supposed need for a flu shot. That's bunk. The shortage has done nothing but incite fear and trepidation in the hearts of every senior citizen in the United States. That is all we need now... A reason to get Seniors more scared. They already fear robots, now this. What's next?

for info on who the government feels deserve a flu shot (that doesn't exist) check this out:

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