Wednesday, February 15, 2006

how cool is my wife?

so yest. was Valentine's Day. yeah - i hate the fact that Hallmark has the market on this baby, but none the less, that didn't ruin it for me. no. my wife made it so very special.

she did a number of things for me - as we had made a rule this year not to spend money on gifts for each other - but the challenge was to be creative with our gift.

so when i came home for lunch - jen had done a lot of cleaning and had the kids all dressed nice as well as herself. she wouldn't let me get in the fridge though. i thought nothing of it... as a matter of fact, i was a bit slow and didn't even realize that she was trying to keep me out of the fridge. so a few minutes later i spoiled her first surprise. (sorry hon!) the ingedients for my favorite cookies were in the fridge and she didn't want me to see.

when i came home from work, she had made the cookies. you'll have to ask her about how she made them. Micah helped put the sprinkles on, which was very nice. also, she helped Micah make me a valentine's day card.

i went in and relaxed while watching Around the Horn. Jen was working on her computer. she asked me how to burn a CD through iTunes... and i asked her whatfor and then asked if she was making this for one of her friends, Sara. She said 'um, Yes.' again, i was a bit slow and didn't figure it out.

well about 30 min. later, she gave me a gift (or actually a few gifts). she had made me a mix CD... only it wouldn't all fit on one CD so it is a 2 CD mix. if anybody knows me, they would know how special that is to me. i was like 'flippin' sweet!' she made a CD cover and everything. she had also printed off a few pics - one was framed so that i could take it to the office.

then, she made a wonderful dinner. the BBQ ribs were awesome and the baked potatoes were good too.

i have a very special wife and love and adore her. what a wonderful day it was.

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