Tuesday, November 22, 2005

the copy store

occasionally for my job, i ahve to go to Staples or CopyMax to get copies made. why? because the church where i work has crappy copy machines. so i went to copy max last Friday to get copies made and the lady there acted so self-righteous about her vast knowledge of how to use the copy machine. she proceded to make me feel dumb for not knowing how to run the machine.

"you're doing it wrong" she told me. "what do you want? 1 to 1, 1 to 2 or 2 to 2?"

i said "i want these 2 papers copied front to back." she then proceeded to set it at 2 to 2. well it needed to be set at 1 to 2 - so when it started printing wrong she threw a fit. "oh no. no . no . no . You want 1 to 2."

anyway - i just thought it to be humorous. she ascted like i was supposed to know how to do it all, but you know, i don't work there. she does. shouldn't she be helping me?

anyway, what is it with those self-righteous copy makers?

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