Tuesday, November 01, 2005

All Saints Day

All Saints Day is a day to remember the saints but i was inspired today to give thanks to God for the 'saints' who have helped me with my spiritual walk.

My parents obviously had a huge impact on my faith growing up. For that i am eternally grateful. It is nice having my dad as a vast resource of knowledge about the Bible, God's will and faith in general. my mom has always led by example and did what was right - there selfless attitudes have been greatly appreciated.

But there are two individuals who had a major impact on me and where i am today-
They are my two youth pastors when i was in High school: FLoyd Costello & Ron "Bubba" Heasley.

Bubba taught me the basics and in some ways brought out the best in me - even later on in life. Maybe he saw something in me, i don't know. Him and his family always were willing to go the extra mile... Ron even tried to teach me how to drive stick shift.

Floyd was just a unique guy. He was very real and had an incredible testimony. He definately took me under his wing and opened up his home to me as well. I think Floyd taought me that you don't have to be shy about your faith - and that i had nothing to fear. He was readily available at any time.

I thank God for the people who had a role in the development of my faith.

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